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Leonardo Drone Contest 2022

6-7, October,  2022 – Torino (Italy)

Third edition of the Leonardo Drone Contest. In this edition, there will be plenty of new challenges. Stay tuned!

Biennale Tecnologia

10-13, November,  2022 – Torino (Italy)

Biennale Tecnologia is dedicated to the decisive role that technology has taken on in all areas of human life – from health to the environment, from personal relationships to democracy. It is a permanent appointment, organized alternately with the Biennale Democrazia – which in Turin promotes the spread of a culture.

Leonardo Drone Contest 2021

28-30 September,  2021 – Torino (Italy)

The second edition of the Leonardo Drone Contest. In this edition, the drone performs autonomously  several different tasks such as object tracking  of a movable target and precision landing.

SHARPER Notte dei Ricercatori

24-25 September,  2021 – Torino (Italy)

The European Researchers’ Night is one of the Marie Skłodowska Curie actions promoted by the European Commission since 2005. Over 50 official projects supported by the Commission alongside dozens of associated initiatives animate hundreds of cities across Europe.

Wings for Life World Run

09 May, 2021 – World Run

Wings for Life is a not-for-profit spinal cord research foundation. Our mission is to find a cure for spinal cord injury. We fund world-class scientific research and clinical trials around the globe aimed at healing the injured spinal cord.  

A&T 2021

15th Edition | February 10th-12th 2021

The best innovations, technologies and ideas to improve competitiveness and reliability. A&T Digital is the future present.

Leonardo Drone Contest 2020

17-18, September  2020 – Torino (Italy)

First edition of Leonardo Drone Contest. It is a national competition promoted by Leonardo Company that aims to boost drone autonomy in performing assigned tasks.